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Personal illustrations

Illustrations for La Martiniere Jeunesse
(La Lettre Mystere, Un cherche et trouve dans la ville - 2021)

Illustrations I’ve made for Milan Editions
(A la recherche de l’epee legendaire - 2021)

Illustrations for Mon Premier Tour de France - Milan Editions

Illustrations for Mon Atlas de la Biodiversité - Milan Editions

Illustrations for Editions Lito
(Mes docs pour grandir : le Chateau Fort - 2022)

Illustrations for Minou Minou
(Amaterra - 2021)

Illustrations for La Martinière Jeunesse
(Le temps des Mirabelles - 2022)

Cover and Chapter illustrations for Petita Demas (WildGirls - 2022/2023)
Winner of an EBGE Design Award for Best Book Cover Illustration

Some Illustrations I made for Where’s The Twink book

Illustrations pour Les Docs pour Grandir : Les animaux Marins (Ed. Lito)

Illustrations pour “Mes Premiers J’aime Lire” Mai 2020

Illustrations for Jack au Haricot Magique (Amaterra 2023)

Illustrations for Boucles d’Or (Amaterra 2022)

Illustrations for  cards game
“ Never Get Bored in a Car Puzzles & Games” (Usborne 2020)

Some characters made for INRAE website

Character designs for Whiskas at Nomint

Concept designs for my book Oliver’s Hair.

Some samples I’ve made for Usborne Publishing

Concept designs for comic projects.

Design for a pitch at Studio Aka.

Illustrations for Studio Aka

Some personal illustrations I’ve made for friends and family 

Concept design for my graduation movie.

character designs for a pitch at Nomint.

Concept design for a project at Nomint.

Concept design for a Google project at Nomint

©2023 Camille Ferrari. All rights reserved